Chris Packham is a colleague from the UK who I met many years
ago over there. For as long as I have
known him, and I am sure before that, he
has worked tirelessly trying to raise awareness of dermal exposure as an
important source of risk to workers. He is presenting a talk on
the subject at a regional British Occupational Health Society (BOHS) meeting on
November 18th and he has graciously allowed me to publish that talk
in this blog afterwards.
Before then he sent me an email which I am reproducing below on
the general subject in which, I believe, he makes some very good points.
I continue to be frustrated at the apparent insistence by
hygienists on concentrating on inhalation exposure and ignoring skin exposure,
particularly when statistics show otherwise.
“Both the number of cases and the rate of skin diseases in the
U.S. exceed recordable respiratory illnesses.
In 2006, 41,400 recordable skin diseases were reported by the
Bureau of Labor Statistics at a rate of 4.5 injuries per 10,000 employees,
compared to 17,700 respiratory illnesses with a rate of 1.9 illnesses per
10,000 employees.” - OSHA Technical Manual, Section II, Chapter 2
“Occupational skin diseases are among the three most frequent
groups of occupational diseases. ... However, occupational skin diseases have
attracted relatively little attention in the global and national agendas for
prevention of occupational and work-related diseases. – World Health
Organisation Global Workshop, Geneva, February, 2011
At a skin conference in Amsterdam in 2013 German statistics were
presented showing that occupational skin disease represented 35% of all
recognised cases of occupational ill health!
And that is just skin disease, ignoring the contribution that
skin uptake makes to systemic toxic effects.
Is it because hygienists believe that they can measure
inhalation exposure and confirm compliance with the exposure limits? As this is not possible with skin they do not
feel comfortable with skin exposure assessments? Perhaps they should consider
what Einstein once said: “Not everything that can be measured counts, and not
everything that counts can be measured”!

My take on this is that while it is certainly more difficult
to measure or estimate dermal exposure (compared to inhalation), I believe that
some attempt at quantification of dermal exposure is possible. Dermal penetration modeling, which has been
around for some time, is one way of getting a handle on dermal skin exposure
potential. Wil tenBerge has been a
pioneer in putting together and sharing useful tools for the assessment of dermal exposure
from skin contact with liquids and from skin contact with airborne vapors. The latest has been his collaboration with
Danial Drolet and Rosalie Tibaldi to fashion IH SkinPerm (see
Dr. ten Berges previous work on this subject
has been freely available for many years on his web site:
Theses tools allow for the estimation (albeit currently unrefined) of how much of a dermally available substance might be absorbed into the body. A previous blog here highlights the work of Dr. Deborah Lander in evaluating the uncertainty around these models. Check it out at as the July 7 2014 blog: Dr. Langer reports “ that 27% of the model predictions were within a factor of 2, 73% where within a factor of 10 and all of them were within a factor of 30 fold. “ Clearly, 30 is a relatively large factor but my sense is that it can be significantly, if not dramatically, brought down by future experimental data sets in which the consistency of the quality of the experimental data are carefully monitored and assured.
The point of all this is that some quantification of dermal
exposure is possible today given the details of the exposed skin area and duration of
exposure. If we are dealing with systemic toxic effect then we can estimate systemic
dose. Inhalation OELs can be converted to dermal OELs to make the comparison. If we are dealing with irritation
or Type IV contact allergy as the primary response of concern then we are focused on determining the worst case amount per
cm2 of exposure. In my previous work we establish working mg/cm2/day exposure limits for contact allergens. Thus, both primary types of dermal exposure are subject to quantitative estimates. We should not fail to look for our “lost keys”
in this area that is not “under the street lamp” of inhalation exposure
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