We owe an awful lot to the scientific method. It is a remarkably simple concept but it is
profoundly important to the technological progress of our society. My admitted simple view of the method is
1. State the problem or premise
2. Form a hypothesis
3. Experiment and observe
4. Interpret the data
you are really surprised go back to #1
5. Draw conclusions and make
This is essentially what we did when we tested our new wallboard room chamber for ventilation rate with the hypothesis that it would
be quite low versus the normal infiltration rate for residences of about 0.4
mixing air changes per hour. We got a
real surprise in step 4 when it was over 10 times higher than expected and we started over at step 1. This entire story is presented in a previous
blog. In this blog I want to discuss
another Step 4 surprise.
We were working on an exposure assessment of a wood
preservative that was used to preserve wood that was being used indoors. We needed to understand the rate of off
gassing of this preservative so that we would estimate the indoor airborne
concentrations in various scenarios.
We knew that absorbent materials within typical rooms
(carpets, furniture, etc.) would act as reservoirs
or “sinks” so we decided that we wanted to measure the “pure” rate of off gassing
by putting a piece of treated wood into a glass chamber, ventilating the chamber and
measuring the concentration in the exhaust air over time. We
originally modeled this system with the following conceptual picture of what
was occurring. First the preservative would
off gas from the wood. It would then go to the air where some of it would be
deposited on the glass surface and some would be exhausted from the glass
chamber. Eventually the glass “sink”
would be filled and the entire system would be in equilibrium. We assumed that the preservative was
chemically stable and would not degrade in the time frame of this experiment.
We were wrong. We
could not get the model to work without putting in a degradation term for the
material on the interior glass surface.
Once we did this the numbers worked out. Declaring that there was significant chemical
degradation on the glass was not sufficient.
We needed to prove it. We did so
with another experiment where we deposited a known amount of preservative on the
glass, proved that we could get 100% of if back at time equal zero and then
measured its degradation with time. The sorted details of all this are provided in
a 1995 paper which I will be happy to send to whomever asks me for it a mjayjock@gmail.com.
All this harkens back to the wise quote: "All Models are Wrong but some are Useful." This surprise was incredibly useful to us and
lead to a much better understanding of the fate and ultimate exposure potential
of this product indoors. As it turns
out, it was somewhat reactive with normal ambient oxygen in our atmosphere but,
as you might imagine, it is very reactive to even the low levels of
tropospheric ozone that can make its way into our indoor air especially through
open windows and doors.
Treasure your surprises.
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