
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Getting the Word Out There

This is my first journey into the world of  blogging.  I have been working in the field of human health risk assessment for many years but have only set out on my own as a consultant recently. For details please see my web site.  I love the work and feel like I have a lot to offer to clients in this area but I also thought I needed to get the word out to others.  When I asked how I might do this, everyone I trust and respect and knew something about this said that I needed to start a blog.   A place where I could present my ideas addressing issues and problems in the field.   A place where I could pose solutions to those with needs in this area.   So this is the start.  In the near future I will  be holding forth on such topics as:
  • The Actual Risk Posed by the Chemical we encounter every day
  • Actuarial Risk versus the Risk Estimated from Risk Assessment from Chemical Exposure
  • Exposure Modeling is good now
  • Exposure Modeling could be much better in the future
  • Uncertainty is the Bane of the RA Process
  • Trading Conservatism for Data
  • When worst case is good enough
  • When worst case is not good enough
  • The AIHA tools for Modelers
  • Exposure Assessment and Toxicity Assessment Inseparable Brothers
  • Dose Response Modeling
  • Exposure Limits and the Estimated Risk at the LimitW
If you have any topics or questions or problems in this realm I would be more than happy to address them if it makes sense and I think I can add something.


  1. Mike,
    Great idea to use a blog to benefit the lives of others like me who are exposed to many chemical in normal daily living and do not realize their potential danger to our health.
    Thanks for sharing your wealth of knowledge to help us.
    Norman Wright

    1. Norm,

      You are my first official responder. Many thanks. I am also hoping to find some clients from this activity. Best Regards, Mike

  2. Hi Michael

    You can be sure I'll be one of your most loyal readers. Share your experiences, opinions and insights in my mind is an act of pure generosity. OHS community needs people of your caliber to take us a little further.

    Daniel D.
